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What Lifts Your Heart


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From globe-trotting artist Kelsey Montague, whose uplifting murals have dotted Sydney's shores, Manhattan's sultry streets, California's coastline and everywhere in between, comes a beautiful new interactive adult coloring book.

Famed for blending street art and social media, Kelsey Montague's amazing illustrations invite colorists of all ages to make her unique creations their own. Her pen-and-ink drawings uplift the spirit with fanciful images of butterflies, ladybug wings and kites. Unlike other coloring books, Kelsey's includes several special sections that allow artists to share their dreams, to make 3-D art, and to create wearable art in the form of flirty masks, top hats and fascinators. In all her designs, Kelsey has hidden a heart to find and decorate.

Printed on high-quality paper with excellent opacity and perforated pages, these designs lend themselves to brilliant bursts of color. WHAT LIFTS YOUR HEART encourages colorists to look to their own hearts for inspiration and to share that joy with others.

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